First Aid Course – Provide First Aid – HLTAID011





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SKU: PFA Category:


First Aid- Provide First Aid

  • HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
  • This course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn essential first aid skills and who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations.
  • Participants will attain the practical application and understanding required to provide first aid response to a casualty. Participants will be able to:
      • Respond to an emergency situation
      • Apply appropriate first aid procedures including:
      • performing at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) (5 cycles of both compression’s and ventilation’s) on an adult resuscitation mannequin
      • performing at least 2 minutes of uninterrupted single rescuer CPR (5 cycles both compression’s and ventilation’s) on an infant resuscitation mannequin
      • Responded to at least two simulated first aid scenarios contextualized to the candidate’s workplace/community setting, including:
      • conducted a visual and verbal assessment of the casualty
      • demonstrated safe manual handling techniques
      • post-incident debrief and evaluation
      • provide an accurate verbal or written report of the incident
      • Communicate details of the incident
      • Evaluate the incident and own performance


Training Venues:

281 Gravelly Beach road,Gravelly Beach, Tasmania, 7276.


1 day

Course Time:

0800 am to 1600 pm (8 hours)


  • Theory Assessment
  • Practical Assessment


On successful completion of this course participants will be issued with a National Recognised Statement of Attainment for HLTAID011 Provide First Aid and HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation along with a wallet sized card. The Unique Student Identifier (USI) must be supplied and verified prior to Certificates being issued.

Your Statement of Attainment does not have an expiry date, however, the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines state CPR skills should be refreshed every 12 months.




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